"What Do I Need To Do To Get Ready For The CrossFit Open?"

In the weeks leading up to the CrossFit Open (starts March 12th), this is the question that I receive the most. While the workouts are no different than the ones that we do in classes, the standards of movements and weights used may be a slight change from what you've been doing.

Know the standards:

There will be a variety of movements like toes to bar, hanging knee raises, chest to bar pullups, pullups, squats, cleans, snatches, double unders, burpees, etc. There are also some commonly used standard weights (ie: DBs are 50/35lbs, Thrusters are usually 95/65lbs, ect). Knowing what these movements are, and what weights you may see used will help with the next part.

Assess where you are:

Now that you know the standards, where are you in relation to those standards? Do you have multiple toes to bar? Can you get 1 at a time, but not multiples? Have you never gotten your toes above your hips? Knowing what you're capable of will help you develop a plan of attack for the next few weeks, and will help let you know what workout level you may expect to be doing (Rx, scaled, foundations).

Short Term Growth:

We still have about 4 weeks until the first Open workout, so we can get some work in. You can see some improvement from things like gymnastics and mobility, but don't expect to see anything substantial in the way of strength. Focus your efforts into developing skills. If you have 1 TTB at a time, let's work on connection. If you're close on a C2B pullup, we can get there in 4 weeks. If you can almost squat all the way down, we can work on that too!

But, this is where the realistic part comes in. If you're trying to get a pullup, but have a hard time bending your elbows while hanging from the bar, pullups may take longer to learn than 4 weeks. It's still beneficial to spend some extra time working on them, but as far as the Open goes, your efforts may be better spent in other areas.

If there were 1 movement I had to choose for just about EVERYONE to work on, it would be Double Unders. If you're close, or have a few, this is a movement that you can see exponential gains in just a short amount of time.

Work with a coach:

This may all seem a little bit overwhelming, but that's ok! We're here for you. Coaches can help you assess and develop a plan in as little as 5 minutes. We love when athletes reach out for extra help! Before/After your next class, ask a coach for help. Or, shoot me an email now and I'll get back to you asap!

Don't delay any longer. You've got this! Best of luck everyone!

Charlie Riedel