"How Do I Lose Weight?"

This is simultaniously my favorite and least favorite question of all time.

I love it because it signals someone ready to take control of their life/health/fitness.

I loath it because it's such a hard question to answer quickly (not my specialty), and there's so much disinformation out there, that when I don't give the "easy answer", people generally tune out.

Here's my quick hitters for "body composition improvement"

  • Prioritize recovery and sleep

  • Prioritize quality of food over quantity

  • Prioritize movement over performance

  • Meaning, don't expect to PR and lose weight at the same time. It can happen, but it's rare. You're using excercise to increase metabolism, not increase strength or endurance.

  • 10K steps and be active for 9 hours per day

  • Prioritize measuring results (not with just a scale)

  • Use other metrics like Body Fat Percentage (hit up Lu for a scan), or how clothes fit. It seems rudimentary, but pick a pair of pants that you love. You'll know how you're body is doing based on how those fit.

  • Don't drink your calories

  • Drink lots of water

  • Prioritize gut health

  • How often are you pooping? How are your poops? Serious questions. If you're only pooping twice a week and it looks like wet paper towel going through a fan, somethings wrong. We need to fix your guy.

Hit these point first, then if things still aren't moving in the right direction, let me know. Best of luck!

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