"I Have Less Than 2 Weeks Until The CrossFit Open. What Can I Do To Prepare?"

Unfortunately, the time to get stronger for the Open may be behind us for this year, but there's still plenty that we can do!:


  • Not many of us know how well/poor we sleep, but a lot of us have devices that will help measure this for us.

  • Regardless of whether you measure or not, if you're not recovering from workouts, or feel like crud way too often, you may need a new sleep routine. GET OFF THE PHONE BEFORE BED, white noise, blackout curtains, get 7+ hours, new pillow (seriously just got one from Uttu, and it's been life changing) #notasponsor


  • Kipping is not a replacement for strength. I wish this was a lesson that I learned earlier in my fitness/coaching career. However, if you have the prerequisite strength, learning to kip to get singles on movements like C2B pull ups or TTB is a HUGE help.

  • Double Unders are the biggest separator of people in the Open. Get you DU skill as high as you can, and you'll thank yourself later.


  • Do you have to take 30 min to warm up because your quads are always so tight that you can barely squat? (like me). Put the work in now so that you can move as fluidly as possible come the time to put your body to the test.

Charlie Riedel