"Should I Retest My CrossFit Open Workout"

[I can already hear April sighing while reading this. Lol]

Multiple athletes, every week of the Open, since its inception, ask me if I think it's smart if they retest their Open workouts. I have a few criteria for "yes" and "no''.

Easy "Yes" (if you want to)

  • Double Unders

  • These can come and go day to day for some people. Depending on the workout, it may be a real stopping point if it's just not your day. Sometimes, waiting a few days and trying again can buy you some luck

  • "Death By"

  • Sometimes you were mere seconds or reps away from earning some extra time to workout. While retesting, doing better, and earning more time to work may help your score out a lot, it may not help your placing much, but it won't hurt it.

  • New Movement

  • ie: Wall Walks. We all watched pro and average joe athletes learn how to wall walk more efficiently in the middle of the workout. In cases like this, it's not a super taxing movement, having more experience/comfort with a movement can be a big help.

Easy "No"

  • Your new plan is to "try harder"

  • Chances are, you didn't hold anything back the first time around. Going into the same workout hoping that you feel better is like going to class to retake an exam, but studying the same material as last time.

  • Your mood depends on it

  • This is your ego talking. If you know that you'll be in a bad mood if you don't do a lot better, you're better off not doing it. I've seen hundreds of redo's, and outside the scenarios in the section above, it almost never goes as well as the athlete hoped for.

There are plenty of "maybe" scenarios as well. The bottom line is that none of us are planning to make any money off of this sport (yet). As long as you're having fun go for it! Whether that means letting it go and continuing training, or running your head into the wall over and over for a few more reps. If it's all in good spirit, I say "go for it". If you're still unsure, as always, you can ask your coach :)

Charlie Riedel